💦 Spitballin'
Per page ideas
- favicon
- title
- navbar text
- load next/last post
11ty could help keep data across pages easily accessible.
- next/last blog
- next/last nav-layout
- Socials
- Tags
- sitemap
- Adding IDs for tags!
More obvious 11ty rationale
- making the CSS for each post modular (namespaced)
- 11ty could also help me convert these posts from messy >pre< tag nonsense into proper html.
- Building THE actual pages for each post. In theory this site should flow organically, That doesn't negate the need for good links though!
- I should host all the assets.
- I should JIT the tailwindcss
- Perhaps I should load Adios at the top of the page?
ERA Ideas
- Check through my codepens, see if there's anything cool
- Container Queries would be fun to test
- I think it'd be interesting to try using grid and span