📌 Bookmarklets!
Did you know you can run javascript with a URL?
In place of a http:
or https:
, you can prefix a URL with javascript:
and it will evaluate the following text as JS. You'll still need to URL encode the Text, but it does provide a handy way to use JS.
Bookmarklets are a term for Bookmarks, which trigger some Javascript instead of loading a webpage.
Some bookmarklets I use.
Drag the Link into your bookmarks bar to use it yourself!
New Window Props
This bookmarklet checks where your current window properties differ with the Initial window object.
Handy for checking what global objects are declared when adding a js script
New Window PropsPicture in Picture Mode
Firefox has a PIP Button overlayed on videos. Chrome does not.
Handy for triggering PIP mode on any webpage with a video.